
    • I got my Dm8000 yesterday - I used to have a DM800, and then switched to a Qbox HD, and then I saw the light and am now back with a Dreambox!

      Anyway, after trying about 6 different images, I am back with Newnigma which is what I used to run on my DM800.

      Everything is perfect, except I want to run crossEPG - it grabs the data just fine, but no EPG data is then actually visible.

      I think this is because enigma needs to be patched.

      Can someone tell me how on earth I do this? Oozoon has the patch included.

      Can the team include it in the next Newnigma release please!

    • RE: crossEPG

      so..i tested it only for you on my dm800 and i think it works for dm8000 too..

      download the attached ipk to your box to /tmp via ftp. then connect via telnet to your box and log in. then type

      cd /tmp

      after that

      ipkg install crossepg-enigma2_0.3.2-svn-33_mipsel.ipk

      now download from /usr/bin/ the file via ftp to your hdd and edit it with a unix compatible editor. you have to add



      LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/ /usr/bin/enigma2

      now save the and upload it to your dm8000 (delete your old one first). change via telnet your dir with

      cd /usr/bin

      and now

      chmod 755

      now you have to reboot your dm8000. your crossepg downloaer will be in newnigma2 services...

      Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von oZxS ()

    • RE: crossEPG


      I tried previously to edit the (but using wordpad)

      I forgot to chmod it, and rebooted.. then I realised and chmod 755 the file and reboot again, but it just seemed to hang on a reboot.

      I will try again in a bit and report back!

    • RE: crossEPG


      Tried again, and it just hangs on bootup...

      Something is not right. Overwriting with the original file (I took a backup of it) gives the same problem.

      I think I am going to have to reflash the box :(
    • RE: crossEPG

      Original von psykix

      I tried previously to edit the (but using wordpad)

      I forgot to chmod it, and rebooted.. then I realised and chmod 755 the file and reboot again, but it just seemed to hang on a reboot.

      I will try again in a bit and report back!


      Just telnet to your box and try this:


      1. dos2unix /usr/bin/

    • RE: crossEPG

      Thanks guys, working perfectly now!

      Just need to work out how the wife can set series links now - I think I need to investigate autotimer and see if that will do it.

      Does the box have to reboot to load the epg after a daily update then?

      The version I used on my Qbox HD didn't require a reboot, so I turned those options off in the config on my DM8000.

      Can you guys add the patch to the next version of Newnigma?

      Keep up the great work guys!

      Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von psykix ()

    • Hallo

      Ich habe die Installation so gemacht wie beschrieben. Wenn ich auf Download gehe startet die Box das GUI jedoch immer neu.

      So schaut meine aus:


      /usr/bin/showiframe /boot/backdrop.mvi

      # EMU Daemon starten
      #python /usr/bin/eDaemon.pyc

      cd /usr/crossepg/
      LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/ /usr/bin/enigma2

      # enigma2 exit codes:
      # 0 - restart enigma
      # 1 - halt
      # 2 - reboot
      # >128 signal

      case $ret in
      /sbin/rmmod lcd
      /usr/sbin/fpupgrade --upgrade 2>&1 | tee /home/root/fpupgrade.log
      sleep 1;
      /sbin/rmmod fp
      /sbin/modprobe fp

      Danke für Eure Hilfe!
      Vielen Dank & Gruß
    • irgendwie blicke ich da nicht richtig durch, ich habe die notwendige zeile, wie von oZxS im posting nr. 2 beschrieben in der eingetragen und die attribute auf 755 gestellt.

      wenn ich nun crossepg egal ob unter blauer taste oder unter erweiterungen starte, startet die box das gui neu, wie komme ich aber nun zu den erweiterten EPG mehr als 2 sendungen bei den SKY UK programmen?

      denn wenn ich nun z.b. auf SKY ARTS 1 gehe sehe ich da nach wie vor nur die aktuelle und nächste sendung, also so wie immer.
    • Let me refresh the thread after almost 2 years. Since then a lot of new versions of Newnigma2 have apperaed. Perhaps the same with CrossEPG plugin.
      Is patching the file still required? I have not done so and I can see CrossEPG both in blue menu and under normal menu.
    • Originally posted by Raitsa
      Guys, you can surely try the latest version of CrossEPG and let us know how it goes.

      green screen when I execute crossepg, if so, I will post log later.
    • Hi,
      I'm using version 242 (available on IhaD).

      It works well if using 'CrossEPG-Downloader' from the blue-button-menu.
      'Download Now' from the configuraton-menu gives a green screen which doesn't matter matter because it seems to be just before the automatic restart.

      Patching is not required because the patch is already included in newnigma2.
    • Hello,
      I have just upgraded my 800se to the latest Newnigma2 3.2.1 and I noticed a new feature (not present in 3.1.3) related to EPG cache file.
      I would like to install CrossEPG and I am wondering if this new feature works with CrossEPG. If so, what location should I choose? I have both a USB memory and HDD.
      Please advise. Thanks.