skin : Dreamdows XP HD für CVS, question

    • skin : Dreamdows XP HD für CVS, question

      Hi M8`s

      I need a little help from someone that know newnigma good :D

      If i understand it correctly is newnigma a cvs image, is it correct ?

      And if yes i need help for getting this skin working (see attached file)

      Confirmed and also tried it by my own that oozoon and others cvs image is working with this skin but i can get it working on newnigma2 2.7 image for DB800.

      I have also log of errors that happen when i use it (see attached file).

      Hope someone can give me good advice, tried it on IHAD where the skin come from, but nothing to get there.

      I dont know if its okay to attached the link from this homepage and also if i have done something wrong in this thread, PLEASE delete it and sorry.

      Kind regards

        (887,3 kB, 439 mal heruntergeladen, zuletzt: )
      • crash_1251182655.log

        (55,33 kB, 424 mal heruntergeladen, zuletzt: )
    • Original von kayshadow
      Ich sag nur wenn man CVS confirm machen will sollte man keine py extra einbaun (, usw) das führt früher oder später meist zu Problemen.

      he said, if you want a csv confirm skin, u dont have to build it without any extra py like, this may cause problems.
    • Thanks both guys for the answer.
      but do you have any advice how to fix it or any text that i can write to this guy on ihad what he need to do to get it working on your newnigma2 image?

      I hope i can get a little help from you.

      Thanks again and i understand german but cant write it ;)

    • @MegaTechMann,

      the skin works well in Newnigma2 2.7 without any changes or fixes.

      You have do copy the files and the folders into the folders like in the added .zip. Take care, that the subfolders of /dd-xp are copied too. Then you have to change the rights of all new folders to 755 and of all new files to 644. Do this by using the DreamboxControllCenter E2 1.xx: Mark the folder/file and do a rightclick - then "attributes" and change to 755/644

      Then you can choose the new skin under main menue - setup - system - skin and restart Newnigma2

      if you want to use picons, navigate with Dreambox Controll Center to /usr/share/enigma2 and do a rightclick again, then choose "new Symlink":

      target: /media/usb/piconHD or /etc/piconHD or /autofs/sda1/piconHD - depends on where your picons are installed
      name: picon
      Gruß Fred

      Die Dreambox ist tot, es lebe die Dreambox



      1. root@dm920:~$ mount | grep "/ "
      2. /dev/mmcblk1p1 on / type ext4 (rw,relatime,data=ordered)
      3. root@dm920:~$

      Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 4 mal editiert, zuletzt von Fred Bogus Trumper ()

    • Hi Fred.

      Thanks for the answer, but do you have the channel numbers and info for sat there still ?
      This was the answer i got from the guy that have build the skin :
      Hey Mega,

      ok this is a problem caused by the newnigma image becaue in cvs images (like the oozoon image i am using) and in the gemini image this skin not crashes.

      For the moment there is one chance to avoid these crashes:

      You can delete in the skin.xml of "Dreamdows XP" the following lines:

      <widget source="session.CurrentService" render="chNumber" position="100,30" size="90,50" font="Regular;30" valign="center" halign="center" backgroundColor="black" transparent="1" zPosition="3" />


      <widget source="session.CurrentService" render="Label" position="530,60" zPosition="1" size="520,20" font="Regular;18" halign="left" foregroundColor="grey" backgroundColor="un353e575e" transparent="1">
      <convert type="ExtendedServiceInfo">TunerInfo</convert>

      Without these lines the external .py-files will not be used and so the skin should work. But in this case you do not have the channel nummer and the information about the satellite and the transponder-data in the infobar because there is no function in the newnigma image for showing these informations without external .py-files.

      Kind regards
    • Hi MegaTechMann

      the skin works without any modifications in the skin.xml without any chrashes since a couple of days. The channel nummer, the information about the satellite and the transponder-data in the infobar are shown correctly (check the attached screenshot)

      I think you did a mistake during the installation:

      Then you have to change the rights of all new folders to 755 and of all new files to 644.

      The rigths of "","" in /Converter and of "" "and" in /Renderer musst be changed to 644. Check all subfolders of /usr/share/enigma2/dd-xp. The rights musst be changed to 755 too.

      I have only one problem: I get an error report in the Web-Interface of the box instead of the EPG:

      [ERROR: ReferenceError: current is not defined; current is not defined]

      But streaming to PC with VLC still works. It doesn´t matter if the Startservice (fixed channel after reboot) in BluePanel - Newnigma2 Services - Systemtools - Startservice is activated or not.

      The skin is still beta, but I think a stable.ipk will follow soon.
      • infobar.jpg

        98,17 kB, 1.099×211, 1.761 mal angesehen
      Gruß Fred

      Die Dreambox ist tot, es lebe die Dreambox



      1. root@dm920:~$ mount | grep "/ "
      2. /dev/mmcblk1p1 on / type ext4 (rw,relatime,data=ordered)
      3. root@dm920:~$

      Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 4 mal editiert, zuletzt von Fred Bogus Trumper ()