upgrade fail

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  • upgrade fail


    1. root@dm800:~# opkg --force-overwrite upgrade
    2. Upgrading gst-plugin-h264parse on flash from 0.10.17-r1 to 0.10.17-r3...
    3. Downloading http://feed.newnigma2.to/unstable/dm800/gst-plugin-h264parse_0.10.17-r3_mipsel.ipk.
    4. Upgrading gst-plugin-mpeg4videoparse on flash from 0.10.17-r1 to 0.10.17-r3...
    5. Downloading http://feed.newnigma2.to/unstable/dm800/gst-plugin-mpeg4videoparse_0.10.17-r3_mipsel.ipk.
    6. Upgrading gst-plugin-neonhttpsrc on flash from 0.10.17-r1 to 0.10.17-r3...
    7. Downloading http://feed.newnigma2.to/unstable/dm800/gst-plugin-neonhttpsrc_0.10.17-r3_mipsel.ipk.
    8. Upgrading gst-plugin-vcdsrc on flash from 0.10.17-r1 to 0.10.17-r3...
    9. Downloading http://feed.newnigma2.to/unstable/dm800/gst-plugin-vcdsrc_0.10.17-r3_mipsel.ipk.
    10. Upgrading gst-plugin-cdxaparse on flash from 0.10.17-r1 to 0.10.17-r3...
    11. Downloading http://feed.newnigma2.to/unstable/dm800/gst-plugin-cdxaparse_0.10.17-r3_mipsel.ipk.
    12. Upgrading gst-plugin-ivorbis on flash from 0.10.17-r1 to 0.10.17-r3...
    13. Downloading http://feed.newnigma2.to/unstable/dm800/gst-plugin-ivorbis_0.10.17-r3_mipsel.ipk.
    14. Upgrading gst-plugin-mpegdemux on flash from 0.10.17-r1 to 0.10.17-r3...
    15. Downloading http://feed.newnigma2.to/unstable/dm800/gst-plugin-mpegdemux_0.10.17-r3_mipsel.ipk.
    16. Upgrading gst-plugin-selector on flash from 0.10.17-r1 to 0.10.17-r3...
    17. Downloading http://feed.newnigma2.to/unstable/dm800/gst-plugin-selector_0.10.17-r3_mipsel.ipk.
    18. Collected errors:
    19. * satisfy_dependencies_for: Cannot satisfy the following dependencies for gst-plugin-h264parse:
    20. * satisfy_dependencies_for: libgstphotography-0.10-0 *
    21. * satisfy_dependencies_for: Cannot satisfy the following dependencies for gst-plugin-mpeg4videoparse:
    22. * satisfy_dependencies_for: libgstphotography-0.10-0 *
    23. * satisfy_dependencies_for: Cannot satisfy the following dependencies for gst-plugin-neonhttpsrc:
    24. * satisfy_dependencies_for: libgstphotography-0.10-0 *
    25. * satisfy_dependencies_for: Cannot satisfy the following dependencies for gst-plugin-vcdsrc:
    26. * satisfy_dependencies_for: libgstphotography-0.10-0 *
    27. * satisfy_dependencies_for: Cannot satisfy the following dependencies for gst-plugin-cdxaparse:
    28. * satisfy_dependencies_for: libgstphotography-0.10-0 *
    29. * satisfy_dependencies_for: Cannot satisfy the following dependencies for gst-plugin-ivorbis:
    30. * satisfy_dependencies_for: libgstphotography-0.10-0 *
    31. * satisfy_dependencies_for: Cannot satisfy the following dependencies for gst-plugin-mpegdemux:
    32. * satisfy_dependencies_for: libgstphotography-0.10-0 *
    33. * satisfy_dependencies_for: Cannot satisfy the following dependencies for gst-plugin-selector:
    34. * satisfy_dependencies_for: libgstphotography-0.10-0 *
    35. root@dm800:~#
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  • Du upgradest bestimmt von irgendeinem unstable Image, was zwischendurch mal gebaut wurde. Wie Du ja weisst, kein Support fuer unstable Images. Also bitte Newnigma2 2.8.3 neu flashen.
    "Remember, if it's psychobilly, it's gotta have some rockabilly in it somwhere. It ain't just punk with a double bass." (P.Paul Fenech)