CF/SD-Karte Hänger beim formatieren

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    • CF/SD-Karte Hänger beim formatieren

      Hi zusammen, ich hab bei meiner und bei der 8000 vom Kumpel das problem das
      ich keine SD/CF Karte formatieren kann.

      Die Box hängt sich dann beim mkfs.ext2 Befehl auf und es sieht bald so aus als ob der Kernel steht.

      Ist das ein generelles Problem ?

      Ich würd gerne die Picons auf CF oder SD auslagern aber so gehts ja nicht.

      Gruß RiMiGal
    • RE: CF/SD-Karte Hänger beim formatieren

      What make you think you could format it without first having a partition on it?

      I am not a guru of flash cards. But partitions in linux and Unix works like this....

      Do you have a hardisk?

      If so....
      type "fdisk -l" and you will see the partition type that is on it.
      If you then type "mount" you will see the filesystem "ext3" on top of that.

      So the harddisk has a Linux partion on it with Id 83 and a ext3 filesystem on top.

      If the flash card has a partition on it from scratch it's probably MsDos/FAT. And you cannot as far as I know create an ext3 filesystem on top of a partion that wont support it. You have to create a new partition first.

      You probably have to run fdisk and then mkfs... Alternativly you could maybe use and mount the filesystem that is already on the card, but then you will probably have to run mount with "-t" flag. And I don't know if the Newnigma2 image will later automount automaticaly an inserted card with MsDos/Fat.

      Note that there are many "but":s here. This as I am new to Dreambox but not new to Unix/Linux. Note that I will buy a CF card myself this week and can check for you if it's mot solved.

      Ooooo by the way. Plz, write in english if you want to continue this conversation so I don't have to use google translate...


      Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 2 mal editiert, zuletzt von pos42 ()

    • RE: CF/SD-Karte Hänger beim formatieren



      I just installed a Trancend 4GB 300x CF card in my DM8000 on Newnigma2 2.8.3

      It contained a VFAT when delivered (which I did not want to use)

      I did a "fdisk /dev/sdb"
      Then you can do a "help" to see all commands. I did a delete of the vfat and a "c" for create of a new partition. I choosed default and therefor a Linux partition was created with a size of 4GB.

      (check a "dmesg" to see the correct disk of the CF card. For me it appeared as /dev/sdb)

      Then run "mkfs.ext3 /dev/sdb1" to create the ext3 filesystem of the whole new Linux partition on that CF disk.

      It will be automounted during boot in /autofs/ with the disks UUID which is a long string. My looks like this:
      root@dm8000:~# mount |grep autofs
      /dev/sdb1 on /autofs/27530328-4297-49b6-9ab3-76550c55f179 type ext3 (rw)

      Then just use it as you are done....
      ( You could change the mounting behavior if you really need to)

      I have a different purpose than you (I wanted a swap on it) and therefor continued with:
      dd if=/dev/zero of=/autofs/27530328-4297-49b6-9ab3-76550c55f179/swapfile bs=1024 count=524352
      mkswap /autofs/27530328-4297-49b6-9ab3-76550c55f179/swapfile

      This swapfile will be automatically mounted during boot as "more /etc/init.d/devman" at the end shows:
      MODEL=`cat /proc/stb/info/model | cut -b1-6`
      if [ "$MODEL" = "dm7025" ]; then
      if [ -e "/media/cf/swapfile" ]; then
      echo "Swapon /media/cf/swapfile"
      swapon /media/cf/swapfile
      SWAPFILE=`find /autofs -name "swapfile" -print`
      if [ ! "$SWAPFILE" = "" ]; then
      echo "Swapon $SWAPFILE "
      swapon $SWAPFILE

      Looking in the gui:s meminfo will show the swap.

      Hope this could help you...

    • RE: CF/SD-Karte Hänger beim formatieren

      I know very little German and appreciate if I can avoid using all the time :)

      But this post was maybe to the original poster...


      Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von pos42 ()