DM-7025: DVD via USB?

    • DM-7025: DVD via USB?

      Hello dreamers,
      I have DM7025 long time (3-4 years) and want to try playing DVD discs. There is software plugin DVD player, but I don't know how to plug DVD drive physicaly. I've read, USB is 1.1 only, I know, but no matter, because the most of my records are from DVB-T only (4-5 Mb/s bitrate is total maximum), so USB 1.1 has to be ok for it. Any idea how to do it (or try it)? Has anybody tried it with Newnigma2 or any other image?

      One more idea. Isn't there possible plug two IDE devices (master and slave at one IDE cable) to internal IDE interface? If so, what do to make second (DVD) drive visible for the system (and default for DVD player)? Thanks.
    • RE: DM-7025: DVD via USB?

      I tried a DVD player but couldn't make it work. DM7025 was trying to read the DVD, but I didn't manage to get any picture or sound out of the disc.

      I also tried playing .ts files from a USB stick, but this didn't work too well, either - it seems the USB interface is too slow. :(
    • Thanks. Is there possible to use internal HDD and DVD drive together (two IDE drives at one cable) when I use that DVD kit?

      When I'd try it only (open case on the table), may I use classical dual connector IDE cable for PCs and plug any IDE DVD drive? HDD as master and DVD as slave? Need I some additional driver or not (img the newest Newnigma2, incl. DVD plugin)?
    • Original von Radeq
      Thanks. Is there possible to use internal HDD and DVD drive together (two IDE drives at one cable) when I use that DVD kit?)?

      Sure, why not?

      Original von Radeq
      When I'd try it only (open case on the table), may I use classical dual connector IDE cable for PCs and plug any IDE DVD drive? HDD as master and DVD as slave? Need I some additional driver or not (img the newest Newnigma2, incl. DVD plugin)?

      Yes, no additional driver required.
      "Wer ins Wasser sieht, sieht den Himmel auf Erden"
    • So, I'm trying HDD and DVD at one IDE cable, but no success. DM7025 don't see any DVD device :(. HDD works normally.

      I've used HDD WD 500 as master and DVD-ROM TEAC as slave (open case). IDE cable is 80wired type, length 40 cm.
      Image: Newnigma2-Release-2010-02-19 + DVD player plugin (on-line download from LAN)

      Any idea what's a problem with? What will I have to do for visibility DVD (for DVD player plugin) or where to find DVD device in the list? Thanks.

      P.S. Last I've tried mode with single IDE cable and DVD drive only (switched as master). No success neither. I'm affraid, some special driver (or some special DVD drive) is necessary.