Watching from DM on computer monitor

    • Watching from DM on computer monitor


      I've connected my DM500HD to my Hyundai L90D+ computer monitor using the HDMI-DVI cable. I also connected the sound from SCART to jack input so I've got everything I need. Using another tv as a reference, I set up the video settings and found out that I can use my monitor if DM is set to 1280x720p and 60 Hz.

      However, the main problem is that the 16/9 programs are stretched to 4/3 and my monitor doesn't allow to come back to the native resolution and put the black stripes above and beyond the screen.

      I remember that my previous Coolstream receiver could send a 1280x1024 signal to that monitor and I was able to watch tv without stretched signal. Is it somehow possible to make the same in DM? I checked all options in menu but I haven't found anything. Maybe it can be possible to set that in some configuration file?
      Could you please help me out finding a proper solution to watch 16/9 programs on my 4/3 monitor?
