how to reset the password of dm800

    • how to reset the password of dm800

      I use newnigma 3.1
      I have made a software update of the dreambox (> newnigma2 software manager>software update) ok, but after this update I cannot acces the dreambox anymore, the password has been changed ?? (by this update ??)
      I cannot retrieve this damned password...
      How can I reset this password, because I cannot change the password without the current password... :(
      Thank you for your help
    • RE: how to reset the password of dm800

      did you tried the standard password? dreambox or empty password

      if in not works, try this:
      - install online the sambaconfig-editor over GUI - if not done allready
      - configure samba in Newnigma2 Services and share "/" (ALL) or "/etc" - but I think you must configure "/" (All) with rw (maybe its part of the standard config on the dream)
      - then connect to your Box: Windows: START --> Execute -> \\IP-Dreambox\etc
      - there you will find the file "passwd"
      - open this file with a Linux-Editor under Windows, e.g. PSPad-Editor
      - in the first line you will find the root password, eg.


      1. root:$1$aiBee9aP$wepNW5ofJodg8P5wfUQZy/:0:0:root:/home/root:/bin/sh

      - replace the line with this one:


      1. root::0:0:root:/home/root:/bin/sh

      and save the file

      now your password is resetted - no password or dreambox

      same under Linux and nfs-share - if needed (install nfs-Editor and share /etc rw)

      I don´t belive that the online-update changed your password
      you can save your settings with the configurations-saver (password included) before your next update
      Gruß Fred

      Die Dreambox ist tot, es lebe die Dreambox



      1. root@dm920:~$ mount | grep "/ "
      2. /dev/mmcblk1p1 on / type ext4 (rw,relatime,data=ordered)
      3. root@dm920:~$

      Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 4 mal editiert, zuletzt von Fred Bogus Trumper ()

    • RE: how to reset the password of dm800

      Originally posted by Fred Bogus Trumper
      did you tried the standard password? dreambox or empty password

      if in not works, try this:
      - install online the sambaconfig-editor over GUI - if not done allready
      - configure samba in Newnigma2 Services and share "/" (ALL) or "/etc" - but I think you must configure "/" (All) with rw (maybe its part of the standard config on the dream)
      - then connect to your Box: Windows: START --> Execute -> \\IP-Dreambox\etc
      - there you will find the file "passwd"
      - open this file with a Linux-Editor under Windows, e.g. PSPad-Editor
      - in the first line you will find the root password, eg.


      1. root:$1$aiBee9aP$wepNW5ofJodg8P5wfUQZy/:0:0:root:/home/root:/bin/sh

      - replace the line with this one:


      1. root::0:0:root:/home/root:/bin/sh

      and save the file

      now your password is resetted - no password or dreambox

      same under Linux and nfs-share - if needed (install nfs-Editor and share /etc rw)

      I don´t belive that the online-update changed your password
      you can save your settings with the configurations-saver (password included) before your next update

      well, its the good solution and I've found a plugin (plugin "john" ) it makes the same job but a little bit more "convenient" You need to copy the john plugin onto an USB key, insert the key in the dm800, install this john plugin, select this one in the plugin menu and push the yellow button... its all the password is resseted...
      thx for your help... 8)