OPENVPN autostart required

    • OPENVPN autostart required

      On the DM800 se the VPN is working well.

      However one needs to start it manually from telnet using /etc/init.d/openvpn start

      Is there someone who can point me in the right direction to get the script working automatically on reboot.

      Many thanks!
    • RE: OPENVPN autostart required

      2 possibilities:

      /etc/init.d/bootup: write the startcommand at the end of the file (an onlineupdate could delete this line -> new bootup!)



      create a startscript in /usr/script, eg. (chmod 755)


      1. #!/bin/sh
      2. #start openvpn
      3. /etc/init.d/openvpn start

      then create a symlink to /etc/rc3.d (runlevel 3). eg.


      1. ln -s /usr/script/ /etc/rc3.d/
      Gruß Fred

      Die Dreambox ist tot, es lebe die Dreambox



      1. root@dm920:~$ mount | grep "/ "
      2. /dev/mmcblk1p1 on / type ext4 (rw,relatime,data=ordered)
      3. root@dm920:~$

      Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von Fred Bogus Trumper ()

    • THANKS!!!

      You see in life there are helpful people like you which make it a joy to ask questions.

      Much obliged.


      p.s. I used the second method.
      Note: For users using VPN (and it happens on all images) - one must restart EMU for the EMU to work with VPN - or else wiat for 6-10 minutes. I never found a workaround for this. It seems that the EMU starts after the VPN but does not function.

      Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von dreamdevil ()

    • Originally posted by Fred Bogus Trumper
      emu starts at the end:

      /etc/rc3.d/S98emustart -> camname

      try to start vpn with S99 - but i don´t now, if it works (never testet), becouse S99 is occupied by rmnologin too

      rmnologin is exactly what please FRED?

    • i don´t know it eactly ...


      1. root@dm800se:~# cat /etc/init.d/rmnologin
      2. #! /bin/sh
      3. #
      4. # rmnologin This script removes the /etc/nologin file as the last
      5. # step in the boot process.
      6. #
      7. # Version: @(#)rmnologin 1.00 22-Jun-1998
      8. #
      9. if test -f /etc/nologin.boot
      10. then
      11. rm -f /etc/nologin /etc/nologin.boot
      12. fi
      13. : exit 0
      Alles anzeigen

      seek also with google -> nologin
      Gruß Fred

      Die Dreambox ist tot, es lebe die Dreambox



      1. root@dm920:~$ mount | grep "/ "
      2. /dev/mmcblk1p1 on / type ext4 (rw,relatime,data=ordered)
      3. root@dm920:~$

      Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von Fred Bogus Trumper ()

    • RE: OPENVPN autostart required

      Originally posted by picop2es
      Openvpn now autostarts with Newengima2

      telnet to your box

      cd /var/etc
      mkdir rcS.d
      ln -s /var/etc/init.d/openvpn /var/etc/rcS.d/

      Does this work by downloading just the openvpn bin file?
    • Hi,
      I know its an old thread but I have a question regarding the GUI. I activated the autostart out of the GUI and its working fine but does someone knows where it puts the startup script? Before it executes I want to run another script first which is related to openVPN
