Board is crazy in the last days

    • Board is crazy in the last days

      I can't use this board today. Topic's pages are truncated in the end. My answers are also truncated, they appear truncated in the normal page and full in the "print page". When I open a page it comes 100% empty and I have to reload it manually many times.
      What's up with it!? I tried Chrome and Firefox, still the same, so it's definitively not a problem of me.
    • I didn't think about it. In fact I upgraded Kaspersky Internet Security from 2011 to 2012. But I've gotta say this is the only board/website acting strange! Will check it out to see if it is due to it.
    • Well, IT IS X(
      Sorry guys for bothering, I didn't think it could interfere with www visits too...they finished to be wanting to do too many things and they do them all bad. Disappointment!
    • I have had simillar problems with an older Kaspersky Revision with some forum sides. Reinstalll Kasperky, sometimes this will resolve the problem.

      But I replaced Kaspersky IS with a renomated free Anitvirus Software - no such problems again.
      Gruß Fred

      Die Dreambox ist tot, es lebe die Dreambox



      1. root@dm920:~$ mount | grep "/ "
      2. /dev/mmcblk1p1 on / type ext4 (rw,relatime,data=ordered)
      3. root@dm920:~$
    • Internet is so fast while it's disabled too...aah why didn't I stick with 2011 which worked perfectly :mauer: :mauer: :mauer:
      Will try to solve with it / them. I like the sense of security it gives, but is HAS to be usable much better than this way. I have just opened their forum and it's full of requests you need 3-4 pages just to be still at "yesterday".....should have looked at it before upgrading.....