
    • Just installed this morning this new image.... It is great and a big thanks for its developers.... Just getting used to it and seems there is plenty to play with on these images.....

      I have installed channel list but I am used to bouquets like C+ spain etc .... how can I activate this....? And is it possible to get vhannibal autosettings on the feed list....

    • use dreamboxedit to manage your bouquets
      Probleme kann man niemals mit derselben Denkweise lösen.


      "Die Deutsche Rechtschreibung ist Freeware, sprich, du kannst sie kostenlos nutzen.
      Allerdings ist sie nicht Open Source, d.h. du darfst sie nicht verändern oder in veränderter Form veröffentlichen."
    • I am using dreambox edit.... In fact I tried again just now.... but I cannot see bouquet list..... favourites is empty ....I can see bouquet list in dreambox edit.....
    • Bouquets are not displayed in this image? Like packages for Cyfra, c+ nl etc. ....all in one package.... In favourites [blue button you can just put one or more channels from a package or different packages]

      How can i enable a setting to view the whole package of say Cyfra?

      Yellow button [providers] is displaying a long list with packages but some normal full packages are say SRG Swiss...

      Not sure if I explained myself clearly......

      TV user Bouquets are not displayed.....however, on dreambox edit software I can see them......

      Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von Stryn ()

    • in the settings, you need so set "allow multiple bouquets" (don't know exactly the spelling, as I am on german language)....
      Yamp - Musicplayer mit Artist-Art-Hintergrund und "Karaoke Light"- aktuelle Version V3.3.2 hier, bitte beachten: FAQ hier

      Wissen ist eins der wenigen Güter, das sich durch Teilen vermehren lässt .... :thumbsup:
    • You can write in German then I will translate it but spelling is fine.... no worries..

      I have changed that in dreambox edit just now..... but no change....

      When one presses blue button you should have a list with the user bouquets ... correct?

      This is strange......
    • I was speaking about the settings in the Box, not in dreambox edit ..... System setting.
      And you have to be in Advanced or Expert Mode to see it.

      And yes, if you see the channel list, with blue you should see the bouquets. You can easily doublecheck if they exist via the webinterface of the box.
      Yamp - Musicplayer mit Artist-Art-Hintergrund und "Karaoke Light"- aktuelle Version V3.3.2 hier, bitte beachten: FAQ hier

      Wissen ist eins der wenigen Güter, das sich durch Teilen vermehren lässt .... :thumbsup: