Dreambox 8000

    • Dreambox 8000

      Good afternoon,

      Off lately I have to switch on my DB 8000 twice to bring it up. The first time the Dreambox switches ON but nothing is shown on the
      OLED Display...Only the Tuners leds come on and even the Fan. So I switch it OFF again (not from the Remote because It will not switch OFF)
      And I switch ON again from either the Remote or from the front panel switch and it comes up perfectly.
      I gave it another Image but still the same problem so I reverted again to Newnigma which I always use.
      Any suggestions Please.
    • Power Supply ? Could need some time/temperature before it is providing enought power...
      Yamp - Musicplayer mit Artist-Art-Hintergrund und "Karaoke Light"- aktuelle Version V3.3.2 hier, bitte beachten: FAQ hier

      Wissen ist eins der wenigen Güter, das sich durch Teilen vermehren lässt .... :thumbsup:
    • Well I don't know, I mean once it is up it's ok all the time - I switch OFF after say a couple of Hours and if
      I switch on immediately again it does it again (OLED OFF) but 2 Tuners and Fan and I even hear the Hard Disk coming on
      But it does not boot up, until I switch it Off and ON again and up it comes very nicely. Very strange fault unless it's
      a software based.