DM900UHD 4K - Newnigma2 OS2.5 - "Camd Choice"

    • DM900UHD 4K - Newnigma2 OS2.5 - "Camd Choice"

      Please, I need your help.
      I have DM900UHD 4K with Newnigma2 OS2.5 installed.
      I need a shortcut, to click the blue button and go to "Camd Choice".
      I await your help.
      Thank you.
    • just do 3 more clicks and you are there
      Probleme kann man niemals mit derselben Denkweise lösen.


      "Die Deutsche Rechtschreibung ist Freeware, sprich, du kannst sie kostenlos nutzen.
      Allerdings ist sie nicht Open Source, d.h. du darfst sie nicht verändern oder in veränderter Form veröffentlichen."
    • blue button, newnigma2 services, emu menu, camd menu
      1x - 2x -3x -4x clicks on your remote control
      Probleme kann man niemals mit derselben Denkweise lösen.


      "Die Deutsche Rechtschreibung ist Freeware, sprich, du kannst sie kostenlos nutzen.
      Allerdings ist sie nicht Open Source, d.h. du darfst sie nicht verändern oder in veränderter Form veröffentlichen."
    • your image seems to be broken.
      there should be a newnigma2 service menu
      Probleme kann man niemals mit derselben Denkweise lösen.


      "Die Deutsche Rechtschreibung ist Freeware, sprich, du kannst sie kostenlos nutzen.
      Allerdings ist sie nicht Open Source, d.h. du darfst sie nicht verändern oder in veränderter Form veröffentlichen."
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      Hello @ deepblue2000

      It is not broken.
      Newnigma2 OS2.5 has a menu. Yes.
      But I uninstalled it.

      For me to have Picons as they are in this image, I had to uninstall the "menu".

      With the "menu" installed, these picons do not appear.
      It will be a Newnigma2 OS2.5 bug that has to be solved.

      Now I just need a shortcut.

      Thank you.
      • 2019-07-09_1907.png

        192,32 kB, 1.006×634, 296 mal angesehen
    • The skin you are using is not supported in any way. It changes a lot of system settings which cant be reversed without beginning from the scratch. The "bug" you are talking about is not a bug. Your skin damaged the image and this came out to a not supportable mess and deleting various things from the image didnt help ether. If you want any futher help, please flash a clean Newnigma2 and use a supported skin or at least not this Glass something.
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      Hi @goliath
      See the picture :: "Extras - Picture 2th Menü".
      Hi @Joey
      Sorry, but it's a bug.
      I contacted the Skin Author "HDGlass 17". He informed me that the problem is with Firmware Newnigma2 OS2.5.
      Currently, without the menu, I have the following path: / media / hdd.
      If I install the menu, I get this path: flash.
      With the picons in flash, I run out of access to perform updates. Do not I access the "Paketmanager" menu.
      I put this problem right here in the Forum. The solution was to remove the Picons from Flash.
      And where to put them?
      The solution was to remove the Menu, with access by the blue button and stay with the path / media / hdd.
      The Newnigma2 OS2.5 image is undamaged:
      See the Plugins image: If I want, I reinstall the menu.
      For example: If you uninstall Camd Oscam-Modern, Camd Choice immediately appears. So he it's in the Box image. The same happens if I reinstall the menu, I go back to "Camd Choice".
      I need to create an access "Camd Choice" with the blue button.
      I have always used Newnigma2 with Skin HDGlass for years on DM8000HD and DM500HD. No problems.
      I look forward to your help.
      Thank you very much.
      • 2019-07-10_0847.png

        52,75 kB, 1.019×667, 257 mal angesehen
      • 2019-07-10_0849.png

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      • 2019-07-10_0850.png

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    • Joey schrieb:

      If you want any futher help, please flash a clean Newnigma2 and use a supported skin or at least not this Glass something.

      Melgas schrieb:

      The Newnigma2 OS2.5 image is undamaged
      I wouldnt say so, because:

      It doesnt even say Newnigma2 anymore.

      Its supposed to look like this:

      There is only one correct picon path for Newnigma2, which is in flash the folder /picons. If the skin says anything different, its not made for this image. Like I said before, deinstalling essentials parts of the image, makes support impossible.
      Im out of here.
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      Hi @Joey / @goliath / @ deepblue2000

      I do not want to give up easily, as long as there is an alternative.

      The keymap.xml file (/ usr / share / enigma2) can be changed to create an access to "Camd Choice" using the blue button.

      It's not impossible.

      I saw the post from @Joey at: Keymap Editor Plugin
      I attach my file.
      Sorry for the inconvenience. I am very grateful for this change.
      Thank you very much.
      • keymap.xml

        (36,62 kB, 253 mal heruntergeladen, zuletzt: )
    • holy fuck.... the glass skin totally crap and destroys the image

      install the image again and use skins from the feed, and all is fine
      Probleme kann man niemals mit derselben Denkweise lösen.


      "Die Deutsche Rechtschreibung ist Freeware, sprich, du kannst sie kostenlos nutzen.
      Allerdings ist sie nicht Open Source, d.h. du darfst sie nicht verändern oder in veränderter Form veröffentlichen."